NDIS Positive Behaviour Support Services (PBS)

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a holistic approach to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by focusing on communication, environment, and lifestyle adjustments. Our goal is to collaborate with individuals, their families, and support staff to understand the root causes of behaviours of concern and to develop skill-building interventions that uphold dignity and minimise restrictive practices.

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support Services

What We Do

Behaviour Support Plans (PBS Plan)

Our team of psychologists and behaviour support practitioners works with individuals and their support networks to create and implement behaviour support plans. These plans aim to:

  • Identify and address behaviours of concern
  • Offer strategies for safer and more positive interactions
  • Equip individuals and their supporters with new skills
  • Ensure ongoing improvement and safety

Behaviour Support Strategies are essential in addressing difficult behaviour and promoting positive outcomes for individuals with diverse needs. Our team can work collaboratively with other allied health professionals to create a comprehensive positive behaviour support plan tailored to each participant’s unique needs. This approach is particularly important within the context of an NDIS plan, where NDIS support can be mobilised effectively to address support needs through ongoing training and help and support from registered positive behaviour support specialists.

Our team can support families and support networks in various communities throughout Queensland by providing support and training that empowers them to manage behaviour as it occurs. This ensures that the strategies implemented are person-centred and focused on enhancing the quality of life for participants. By employing these individualised strategies,we can effectively address why challenging behaviour is happeningand ensure that each participant receives an assessment, behaviour plan, training and ongoing support for family and support workers.

Restrictive Practices

Restrictive practices are sometimes implemented to ensure the safety of individuals and others. They should be considered only as a last resort and applied for the minimal duration necessary.

For instance, if an NDIS participant is not able to access their fridge or pantry as they may eat their weekly grocery in day, a temporary restrictive practice may need to be put in place. This means that temporarily they cannot directly access their food whilst their positive behaviour clinician together with the care team come up with why this behaviour is taking place and what they can do to reduce this behaviour. Additionally, sharp objects could be secured to avoid harming oneself or others.

These practices aim to modify or control behaviour but may restrict personal freedom and infringe upon human rights.

There are legal guidelines governing the use of restrictive practices that providers are obligated to follow. For more details, you can visit our website, where links to the Easy Read Practice Guides are available.

The goal of positive behaviour support is to reduce and eventually eliminate the need for restrictive practices.

Key Benefits of Positive Behaviour Support:

  • Promotes a better quality of life
  • Provides a proven strategy for understanding and altering behaviours
  • Centres on individual needs and the influences of their environment
  • Prioritises rights and safety using minimum level of restrictive practices

How Positive Behaviour Support Can Benefit You:

  • Enjoy an improved quality of life
  • Receive tailored support to meet their goals
  • Be assisted by well-trained professionals
  • Build strong, lasting relationships
  • Exercise choice and control over their lives
  • Develop new skills and coping strategies
  • Engage more with their community
  • Reduce the necessity for restrictive practices

Our Experienced Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners

Principal Psychologist
PBS Practitioner

Katayoon Haghseresht

Positive Behavioural Support Practitioner

Zhinus Haghseresht

Contact us to Achieve Your Goals

Complete the NDIS Service Request Form to get started

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To learn more about how we can provide support, feel free to get in touch with us today.
Complete our enquiry form or call us on 07 3870 9388 to discuss your requirements.